Thursday, May 19, 2011


Playing outside at Kids club

Playing a game at kids club

Waiting for a turn

Kayla and Braeden

another half way photo (the last I promise ;0)

The pants I wore a year ago
Miss Ellie

The straw whistle Braeden made with me in school

Well we are all moved now! We received the keys to our new place to live on May 2 and we were moved in completely by the 7th of May! God was very gracious to us during this move. He really provided for us in every way including people to help us move the big items on the last day. It really was in our best interest to move because shortly after we moved we found out that the house we were living in did in fact sell. So we would have had to move anyways.

We are very grateful that God provided us this new home to live in. The new house is perfect for our family. Also the neighbors right next to us have a little girl about Kayla's age and a son around Ellie's age that the kids have already befriended. That made me so happy to see God already provide a friend for Kayla and Braeden. They had friends in the other neighborhood we lived in so this was a prayer of mine for our new home too.

God has been showing me how even though we may go through times that may be unsettling that He will always show me grace through these times as well. We serve an awesome God that loves us that much! I am just in awe of how much I really do not deserve but God gives freely anyways!

I hope that each of you had a wonderful Mother's day. My family was very nice to me and spoiled me all day!! We were very tired after moving all week but Justin still got up and made me breakfast. The kids drew pictures of me and made me pots to go in the kitchen. We did these as our crafts at kid's club the day before. We went to the Mother's Day service at the Hope church here that evening and it was wonderful to see all of the kids present their mothers with gifts they had made and show their love. That night we went out to dinner as well!! Really I am not deserving of so much love but I truly was spoiled!!! I would have been happy just hugging and loving on my family all day. I am really blessed to have them in my life!

We have about six more weeks of school left. We had a late start this year so we plan to finish at the end of June. The kids have learned so much this year. Kayla is learning to write papers and continuing to practice cursive writing. Braeden is learning to read small words and practicing his writing as well. Elaina is growing and repeating everything she hears. she likes to sing and can hold a tune pretty well.

I am in two of my final four classes until I graduate. I plan to be done by the end of August. So far I have all A's!! Justin will finish his degree in October before we go home on furlough. He has been working so hard and has done well.

I am officially in the 160's!!! I have lost a total of 32 pounds so far and right now I weigh 167. I need to lose another 18 pounds to be at a healthy weight for my height and build. I would like to weigh 6 pound less than that but we will see. I am listening more to my body when it comes to exercise and what I can do at this point. I was getting exhausted by continuing at the level I was for so long. Now I do what I feel I can and push just a little further. I still workout about 45 minutes per day five times a week though.

Please continue to pray for us as we enter into the Summer time here in Estonia. Pray that hearts will be softened and changed through the many camps and events that will be held this Summer by the churches here. Pray for us to be willing to continue to seek God and His will every day we are here. We love you and miss you all! Thank you for all of your support.

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