Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is it Fall already?

Waiting for the Knight parade to start!

Dress up!!

Sisters playing!

Pretty girls!

Well we had a short Summer here in Estonia. Since August had arrived the weather has been more Fall like. We have had spouts of rain and cooler temperatures. Today we had a beautiful day and took advantage of it and went to the park and walked around and lets the kids play. We came home tired and satisfied with our time together.

I decided to do some late Spring cleaning and get the kids' rooms cleaned up. Also I have been cleaning out my closet as nothing I have fits except a few things I caught on sale or the few items my Mom gave me for my birthday. I guess it is a good problem to have considering all of my clothes are too big for me but I do get tired of looking like I am wearing a sack instead of a shirt! Ha! I can't wait to get home to do some shopping.

I start my last two weeks of school this week!! All of my major work is done except my final in Economics. Ugh!! That class is tough!! Hopefully I can make it out of it with an A. We will see. I have enjoyed going back to school mainly the nursing classes because it makes me feel like a part of the nursing world again. I love nursing so much and miss it a lot. Hopefully God will show me how to use my nursing skills on the mission field as well. That has got to be the number two adjustment that I am still working on, being content as a stay at home mom.

When I first quit my job for us to become missionaries I thought, this will be great! I will get to focus on my family and kids, not have to worry about shifting back and forth between night shift and home time. Then after being a stay at home mom I began to feel lost. I craved the adult interaction and the feeling of happiness and gratification I received from working. I worked in the happiest place in the hospital, helping moms and babies transition into their new lives. Oh how I loved my job!! I had to really pray to God to show me how to be a good mom and enjoy being at home. Then there is also the aspect of homeschooling. Which I can tell you did not come natural to me. Through much prayer and guidance we have made it two years of homeschooling. Though I am by far not the best teacher in the world, I have to say I am enjoying watching and helping my children learn. We have our rough times but the good really outweighs the bad. God has shown me over these past four years that He will guide me, give me what I need to succeed, and love me unconditionally when I fail. I now can say I am content and really blessed to be able to stay at home with my wonderful family. Especially while they are so little and growing. Though at times I still long to be a nurse, I LOVE being a stay at home mom!!

We will be starting our new home school year on September 5. We are using a new program and hoping that it will be a good mix for the kids.

Justin taught 34 kids how to share their faith at the camp in Kuressaare this past month. That makes over 100 people that Justin has taught how to share their faith this year here in Estonia. we continue to help with the International Church here until October as well.

I have decided to add an element of surprise about my weight loss. I am not going to post about my weight until we arrive home. That way all of our family can see me first hand to see my weight loss and then I will post about it. Everyone likes surprises right? ;0) Do not worry, I still continue to watch what I eat and work out. Promise!

We will be coming to America from October 14-July 16, 2012 for furlough. We have visits through March of 2012 right now. If you are a pastor of a church and would like us to come to your church email Justin

We love and miss all of you!! Thank you for your prayers and support!!