Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our future plans

After much prayer and consideration we feel that we are being called to be used by God here in America and have decided to not return to the foreign field of Estonia. We have contacted the pastors of the churches we had set up for furlough visits and will continue to honor those commitments as God allows and the pastors wish. We will be sharing with these churches about what God did through us in Estonia. We will not be making any future appointments however.

We thank everyone who has prayed for us and supported us while we have been serving with the BMAA. Please know that just because we are not returning to foreign missions, that we are still very much missions minded and plan to seek God's will for a place in a church that we can serve God in and help grow and plant new churches from.

Please continue to pray for us as we seek God's will for where we would serve and for our family's adjustment back to life in America. We love each of you and look forward to seeing those that still allow us to come to their churches.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

We have a surprise!!

So we have been keeping a big secret for some time now. Now that all of our family has seen us and know, we can tell the secret. We are expecting our fourth child. I am almost six months pregnant with Samantha Irene! Yes, we found out before leaving Estonia that the baby is a girl. Unless God surprises us and it is a boy, in which the name would be Declan Matthias. We are very excited about the new little blessing God has brought into our lives. This for sure will be our last. We decided this prior to trying for this one. We were hoping for a boy to even out the girls and boys in the house, but are very happy that the baby is healthy and beautiful. We had the opportunity to see her twice in 4-D sonogram in Estonia. The last time at 20-weeks, she was so beautifully sweet and sleeping.

This is why I stopped reporting in about my weight loss. I got to the point where I was gaining and wanted to keep the surprise so I could not share anymore. I have gained within the recommended amount of weight for how long into pregnancy I am at this point and am still working out at least five times a week. I do not work out as intensely but I do work out for about 30 minutes. I hope to lose the rest of my weight after the baby comes. Of course, I will not push it too much because I want to enjoy the time with her as well.

We are excited to be home and with family and friends. Nothing beats getting to see and hug your parents and in-laws in person. They are very supportive of us and we love them very much! We are looking forward to meeting with the churches that have supported us and sharing with them the work that God has done through us here in Estonia and our future plans.

Please continue to pray for the kid’s transition into public schools here. Please pray for our safety as we travel. We love and thank you all for your support and prayers.

Monday, September 5, 2011

First Day of School

Sweet Ellie had to have her picture taken even though it is not her first day of school!

Beautiful Kayla. Sorry for the frazzled look (Daddy took this picture ;0)

Handsome Braeden (again a little frazzled ;0)

So we started school today at the Owens house. Kayla started fourth grade and Braeden the first grade. The kids did well their first day. We are still getting used to the new program and some adjustments will have to be made but for the most part the day went well.

The kids have recently expressed to us that they desire to go to public school while we are home in America and attend Estonian school upon our return back here next year. Justin and I want to do what is best for our kids spiritually, mentally and physically. We decided to pray and look into the options and see where God leads us. We immediately heard back from the school district in America and they were very excited to welcome our children and have assured us that it will not be too late in the year for them to adjust. They even thanked us for serving God as missionaries. I have to admit I was a little surprised by the schools response. So it looks as though the kids for sure will be attending school in America. The school here also contacted and set up an appointment for us here quickly. The appointment is tomorrow and we will be discussing with them a plan for how to get the kids ready to transition into Estonian schools next year. This is a big step because they do not know much of the language. Braeden will be seven which is the age when they start first grade here which is their first class in real school. Kayla will need more transition time though. Please pray for this meeting and that God continues to lead us to what His will is for our children

I have to admit I was not all for this in the beginning. I feel as though part of my job is being taken away. I do not know if I am ready for my kids to leave yet. I cried a little and prayed and God really spoke to my heart letting me know He would guide me to do what is best for my kids and He would care for them no matter what. I know this will be a great opportunity for the kids to grow and learn with their peers. They never have really showed any interest in attending school so we never really checked into it before. Now they see their friends here starting school and they have adjusted enough to living here that they are ready to go as well. I will follow God's will for my kids and continue to seek Him daily to assure we are going in the right direction.

I promised I would never talk about potty training on my blog but all I will say is that in potty world things are going well for little Ellie. We are almost there!! She is growing so much and enjoys dancing and singing. She even knows the words to some of the Christian songs we play in the car and sings them. So cute!! She eats oatmeal for breakfast every morning and I usually feed it to her but a few weeks ago she told me "I do it Mommy", so I let her. She has been feeding herself since then!! It is bittersweet at times to see your little one growing up. I am very grateful for the wonderful, healthy, beautiful, sweet, and caring children God has given me.

Well I am sure most of you know but I finished my school. So know I am C.Owens RN, BSN!!! :0) Justin still has about six weeks until he graduates with his Masters of Divinity. We also have about six weeks until we are home!! I am getting things cleaned out and ready to pack soon.

Justin has one more time to preach at the International Church before we leave in October. He is still working with one man in discipleship training each week as well. Thank you for your prayers and support. We will be home for furlough from October 14, 2011-July 16, 2012. If you are a pastor and would like us to come to your church please email Justin at his email address on the BMA website. We love and miss you all!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is it Fall already?

Waiting for the Knight parade to start!

Dress up!!

Sisters playing!

Pretty girls!

Well we had a short Summer here in Estonia. Since August had arrived the weather has been more Fall like. We have had spouts of rain and cooler temperatures. Today we had a beautiful day and took advantage of it and went to the park and walked around and lets the kids play. We came home tired and satisfied with our time together.

I decided to do some late Spring cleaning and get the kids' rooms cleaned up. Also I have been cleaning out my closet as nothing I have fits except a few things I caught on sale or the few items my Mom gave me for my birthday. I guess it is a good problem to have considering all of my clothes are too big for me but I do get tired of looking like I am wearing a sack instead of a shirt! Ha! I can't wait to get home to do some shopping.

I start my last two weeks of school this week!! All of my major work is done except my final in Economics. Ugh!! That class is tough!! Hopefully I can make it out of it with an A. We will see. I have enjoyed going back to school mainly the nursing classes because it makes me feel like a part of the nursing world again. I love nursing so much and miss it a lot. Hopefully God will show me how to use my nursing skills on the mission field as well. That has got to be the number two adjustment that I am still working on, being content as a stay at home mom.

When I first quit my job for us to become missionaries I thought, this will be great! I will get to focus on my family and kids, not have to worry about shifting back and forth between night shift and home time. Then after being a stay at home mom I began to feel lost. I craved the adult interaction and the feeling of happiness and gratification I received from working. I worked in the happiest place in the hospital, helping moms and babies transition into their new lives. Oh how I loved my job!! I had to really pray to God to show me how to be a good mom and enjoy being at home. Then there is also the aspect of homeschooling. Which I can tell you did not come natural to me. Through much prayer and guidance we have made it two years of homeschooling. Though I am by far not the best teacher in the world, I have to say I am enjoying watching and helping my children learn. We have our rough times but the good really outweighs the bad. God has shown me over these past four years that He will guide me, give me what I need to succeed, and love me unconditionally when I fail. I now can say I am content and really blessed to be able to stay at home with my wonderful family. Especially while they are so little and growing. Though at times I still long to be a nurse, I LOVE being a stay at home mom!!

We will be starting our new home school year on September 5. We are using a new program and hoping that it will be a good mix for the kids.

Justin taught 34 kids how to share their faith at the camp in Kuressaare this past month. That makes over 100 people that Justin has taught how to share their faith this year here in Estonia. we continue to help with the International Church here until October as well.

I have decided to add an element of surprise about my weight loss. I am not going to post about my weight until we arrive home. That way all of our family can see me first hand to see my weight loss and then I will post about it. Everyone likes surprises right? ;0) Do not worry, I still continue to watch what I eat and work out. Promise!

We will be coming to America from October 14-July 16, 2012 for furlough. We have visits through March of 2012 right now. If you are a pastor of a church and would like us to come to your church email Justin

We love and miss all of you!! Thank you for your prayers and support!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer Time!!

Gifts!! Braedens 6th birthday party.

More gifts!!
Lining up to play pin the bat on Batman

Braeden's cake

Well I guess it has been a little while since I have been on here. Time went by too fast these past weeks!! In June we had two birthdays. I turned 30 (it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be ;0) Braeden turned six at the end of June as well. We had a small party for him at our house where some of our friends came with their kids to celebrate Braeden with us. They had a lot of fun. We are truly blessed. I cannot believe our little boy is six now!! He has grown so much over these past few years and he has such a warm loving heart.

We finished up the kids school so Kayla finished third grade and Braeden finished kindergarten. We are trying to decide if we should change programs next year because the one we used last year was hard to tell if they really comprehended everything or not. It was a literature based program that did not have any tests except in math. Prior to this program we used a totally workbook based program and it was a little dull so that's why we switched to this one. Please pray we can find the right program for our kids so that they can learn well and be happy.

I started my last two classes this week!! Eight weeks until I graduate!! I cannot believe I am almost done but I am ready to be done at the same time. Justin will still have until mid October before he is done but will get his first Masters degree at the end of this session. He is continuing on for his Masters of Divinity. I am very proud of all of the hard work he has put in.

Next week we will be traveling to one of the islands here in Estonia for Justin to teach evangelism training to a youth camp they are holding there. We try to emphasize the need for friendship evangelism here in which believers are encouraged to reach out through their network of friends and family to share their faith. Please pray for the camp and that God's will will be done with the training and hearts would be changed here. Justin still continues to meet in discipleship training sessions with other believers here as well.

For the next few months we are also helping some friends of ours with their church while they are in the states. Justin preached there this past Sunday and will continue to do so every first Sunday through the time we leave for the states ourselves in October.

Three more months till we are home for furlough!! Can you tell I am excited ;0) We are still working on our schedule. We have appointments till March so far. We will be home October 14, 2011-July 16, 2012. We will be taking appointments from November, 2011-June, 2012. If you would like us to come to your church please email Justin at

I have lost five more pounds since the last time I reported in. I have to say though that some of that could have been from me being sick so it may come back. As of right now I am at 162 pounds. I am within 13 pounds of my goal weight!!! I recently bought a new bathing suit and even though I am not smoking in it ;0) I do like how the new me looks better than the old me!! Justin is also within about 10 pounds of his goal weight as well. He looks great too!!

Thank you for all of your prayers and support. We love and miss each of you!! If you have the time write a little note. We would love to hear from you!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Playing outside at Kids club

Playing a game at kids club

Waiting for a turn

Kayla and Braeden

another half way photo (the last I promise ;0)

The pants I wore a year ago
Miss Ellie

The straw whistle Braeden made with me in school

Well we are all moved now! We received the keys to our new place to live on May 2 and we were moved in completely by the 7th of May! God was very gracious to us during this move. He really provided for us in every way including people to help us move the big items on the last day. It really was in our best interest to move because shortly after we moved we found out that the house we were living in did in fact sell. So we would have had to move anyways.

We are very grateful that God provided us this new home to live in. The new house is perfect for our family. Also the neighbors right next to us have a little girl about Kayla's age and a son around Ellie's age that the kids have already befriended. That made me so happy to see God already provide a friend for Kayla and Braeden. They had friends in the other neighborhood we lived in so this was a prayer of mine for our new home too.

God has been showing me how even though we may go through times that may be unsettling that He will always show me grace through these times as well. We serve an awesome God that loves us that much! I am just in awe of how much I really do not deserve but God gives freely anyways!

I hope that each of you had a wonderful Mother's day. My family was very nice to me and spoiled me all day!! We were very tired after moving all week but Justin still got up and made me breakfast. The kids drew pictures of me and made me pots to go in the kitchen. We did these as our crafts at kid's club the day before. We went to the Mother's Day service at the Hope church here that evening and it was wonderful to see all of the kids present their mothers with gifts they had made and show their love. That night we went out to dinner as well!! Really I am not deserving of so much love but I truly was spoiled!!! I would have been happy just hugging and loving on my family all day. I am really blessed to have them in my life!

We have about six more weeks of school left. We had a late start this year so we plan to finish at the end of June. The kids have learned so much this year. Kayla is learning to write papers and continuing to practice cursive writing. Braeden is learning to read small words and practicing his writing as well. Elaina is growing and repeating everything she hears. she likes to sing and can hold a tune pretty well.

I am in two of my final four classes until I graduate. I plan to be done by the end of August. So far I have all A's!! Justin will finish his degree in October before we go home on furlough. He has been working so hard and has done well.

I am officially in the 160's!!! I have lost a total of 32 pounds so far and right now I weigh 167. I need to lose another 18 pounds to be at a healthy weight for my height and build. I would like to weigh 6 pound less than that but we will see. I am listening more to my body when it comes to exercise and what I can do at this point. I was getting exhausted by continuing at the level I was for so long. Now I do what I feel I can and push just a little further. I still workout about 45 minutes per day five times a week though.

Please continue to pray for us as we enter into the Summer time here in Estonia. Pray that hearts will be softened and changed through the many camps and events that will be held this Summer by the churches here. Pray for us to be willing to continue to seek God and His will every day we are here. We love you and miss you all! Thank you for all of your support.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

Me on Easter morning two years ago. Keep in mind Ellie is only two months old here. But I was at my biggest size 18 before getting pregnant with her.

Justin on Easter morning 22 pounds lighter!

The kids

Me on Easter morning 27 pounds and four sizes smaller than two years ago (size 12)!! If I drop one more size I will be the size I was when I got married 10 years ago (size 8/10).

I decided to post some pictures of our family from Easter as well as a video of the kids hunting Easter eggs for our family and friends who do not see us on a regular basis. I hope you enjoyed celebrating the reality that Jesus is alive and remembering why He came into the world to die for our sins!! I also have included before and after photos of me and my journey with weight loss. I still have one pound till my half way point but decided to go ahead and put the pictures on now!! Have a great week!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Are you a spectacle??

The craft we made a kids club

Ellie and Daddy at the Zoo

Kayla and Braeden


All three of my beautiful gifts from God!

I chose to name this post by asking if you are a spectacle because this is something I have been having a hard time with here lately. I guess it is the number one thing that is the hardest thing for me to adjust to living in another country. My family is not normal here. We really are like exhibits in the zoo or something EVERYWHERE we go. At first I began to think, well it would be so different if we were in America. We could go out and speak English and no one would look at us funny. We could let our kids be kids without getting strange looks from others. But would it really be that different. Then I realized that no matter where we were we would never be normal because we have been forever changed by the love of Jesus Christ and there is a reason we are different. So does this mean that my frustration with being an exhibit all of the time just goes away with this thinking, no. But I am trying to look at it from the perspective that I want to stand out in this world but I want to stand out by letting God's love and hope show through my daily actions to let others be drawn to Him. I know I am not the only one that struggles with how others view them. Such as when we tell our kids no and maybe they decide to throw a fit. We do not give in but some view this as something bad. To me this is a form of love. Kids need discipline and need to know that their parents have authority over them and will help them make good decisions. How else are they supposed to grow and understand that God has authority over them and will guide them.

Now I must be honest this disciplining of our kids and trying to be a role model is a hard thing for me. I have been tested many times recently because Elaina is in the fit throwing stage now and I can tell you I fail almost every time. I react because I let my temper get in the way as well as my feeling that everyone is watching and ridiculing me, because of course the fits are always in public! I have been trying my hardest to not react in anger but to just simply tell her that fits are not tolerated and I will be glad to listen to her is she tells me what she needs or wants but I will not listen to the fit. I am trying very hard not to be the screaming mom that I sadly have been in the past. That is sadly how I deal with things when they get out of hand. I tend to raise my voice. I have been working hard to break that habit and take a step back when I feel the impulse to yell coming on. I used to get down on myself because of this but then I realized no-one is perfect. Each of us have some area of our personalities or traits that we would change if we could. This is one for me that I am working on and I felt the need to share with you so that you could see that I am real. I am just being honest and real. So the whole point of sharing this was to bring up the question again. Are you a spectacle? If you are, are you a spectacle for good reasons or bad ones. I hope that I am a spectacle for the good things in my life most importantly the love and hope I have through Jesus. That is my desire!!

Spring arrived here in Tallinn and we have been enjoying it. We have visited the zoo a few times. Elaina has taken off and just wants to run and explore the world. She loved the zoo both times we went. She is a really sweet spirit and even with her tantrums she is just adorable. Braeden is still the budding artist. We literally cannot keep paper in the house because he loves to draw so much. He wants to keep every drawing too. Kayla is such a wonderful big sister. She loves her brother and sister and helps me with them. She is going to be a great mom.

We found out a few weeks ago that we will be moving. God provided a wonderful place for us just a few miles up the road from where we are now. It is like the best of both worlds. It is not a house but not an apartment either. It is a duplex like building with a storage room and small fenced in yard. The kids can still ride their bikes and everything like now too!! We are so thankful. We will begin to move next week sometime. Please pray for the adjustment to the new place particularly Kayla's adjustment. She has friends here in the neighborhood. She at first was reluctant to move but since seeing the new place she has began to like the idea more. My heart breaks to think that maybe moving so much will effect her. But I know as long as we stay strong together as a family and continue to follow God's will for our life then He will take care of us.

I was hoping to be at the half way point of my weight loss by now but I am not. I have lost 27 pounds in 16 weeks though so I am very proud of that. Ever since I hit the 20 pound mark the weight was slow to come off. I have changed things up a bit and lost 2lbs again this week. So we will see. I will get Justin to take a picture of me when I get to my half way point of 28 pounds. Just one more pound away!! I will continue to press on towards my goal of 56 pounds. As we are packing it amazes me to see how little of my clothes actually fit anymore. They are all too big. I can't wait to get home in October and go shopping!!! The best part of the weight loss is how great I feel. I can actually go jogging while the kids ride their bikes and not be exhausted after five minutes!!! I love being healthier and I hope I never go back!!

The kids club has been growing. One week there were 20 kids there!! I ran out of craft supplies there were so many kids. For Easter we made butterflies that said "Jeesus Elab" or "Jesus lives". They learned about the story of Easter and Christ's Resurrection. It is such a joy to see the kids and be a part of their lives. Pray that God will continue to send more kids to learn and grow with Christ!

Thank you for your prayers and support. We will be home for furlough from October 14 2011- July 16, 2012. If you are interested in us coming to your church and sharing God's work here in Estonia please contact Justin @

We love and miss you all!! I pray you have a very blessed Easter as we celebrate the gift given to us through Jesus!

This is a video of Happy birthday Daddy!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring are you coming????

Ellie after swimming at the Hotel

Giving Daddy Kisses

A beautiful plant Justin gave me for Valentines Day

Ha!! I just had to put that title because would you believe it is still SNOWING here!!! I am so ready for Spring!!! The snow has melted a lot but just as more grass begins to show down the snow comes again :0( On the bright side we have all been well and enjoying our time inside.

The kids are still doing well in school. Kayla and I finished with our radish growing in Science and are soon moving towards growing corn and beans. I do not know how growing corn int he house is going to work but I told Justin maybe we will put some corn stalks on each side of the upstairs bathroom (AKA the warmest room in the house) and the we can have a Hee Haw theme in there!! Ha!! Should be interesting to say the least. Braeden just finished learning about the human body and how everything works. He learned on day about babies and how they grow inside a woman and such. He was fascinated. He kept asking all week, Momma do babies have brains when there growing? Do they hear when they are growing? It is great to see them learning and being excited to learn. Elaina is talking more and more. She tries to keep it a secret that she can talk. I heard her one morning just talking away to Braeden, she did not know Mommy was up listening. Ha!! I told her I knew her secret and she needs to talk to me too!! She just smiled.

We recently went on a trip to one of the islands here in Estonia for Justin to do an evangelism conference there. We had a great time. About 15 people came to the session. We were invited to come back this Summer and help with a camp for youth there where more than 50 youth are expected to be there, to help with evangelism training. Justin was adding up how many he has trained through these session so far and 77 people have been trained in evangelism. This is only possible through the hands of God bringing these Christians to the realization of the need to tell others of their faith. God is working here to reach His people. Justin also had the opportunity to preach at the church we attend here. He preached on the importance of being a multiplying disciple for Christ. He did well. Justin is also continuing to meet with a young man one on one, in which they study God's word and learn about discipleship together. This young man has already started reproducing himself in the lives of two other people. We are still praying for others to be led into our lives to grow and learn about discipleship with.

We recently had to begin to face the reality that we may have to move again. We are not thrilled with this situation but we have decided to leave it to God. We will know soon whether we must move or not and will probably be moving in Summer if we have to. The house we are renting is for sale and if our landlord does not want to continue to rent it then we will have to move. The reason this is difficult is we have already moved three times in the past four years. That is a lot of moving and adjusting and we were worried it is taking a toll on the kids. But after prayer and getting perspective we have decided that as long as we are in God's will, He will take care of us. Life is not easy at times but we are very blessed and what matters is we stick together and stand strong in Christ. So please join us in prayer that the right decision is made about our living place here in Estonia.

I am 12 weeks into my journey of loosing weight and have lost a total of 22 pounds!! Yay!!! Six more pounds to go until my half way point. I have had to buy a new pair of pants because the ones I bought at Christmas were falling off of me! I am glad to see the changes with my body. Justin has lost about 18 pounds.

Thank you for continuing to pray for Estonia and for hearts to be changed here. Thank you for praying for our family. We love and miss everyone. Have a great week!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ellie is two!!!

Is that Handy Manny, or Handy Ellie??

Movie time!!

Minnie Mouse Cake!

So we had a birthday in the Owens house this past month. On February 15th Miss Elaina Grace turned TWO!!! I cannot believe it has been two years since God brought her into our lives. We celebrated with just our family here at the house with a Minnie mouse cake I made her. The cake turned out pretty good, and I enjoyed making it. We also took all of the kids to a play place here in Tallinn to play for a few hours that day. She got a Minnie mouse toy and a Jessie doll for her birthday.

We are almost finished learning the days of creation with the children's club. We have been learning the days of creation by doing crafts for each day of creation. It has been great to see the kids explore the days of creation hands on by making crafts to remind them of what was created on each day. Many of these children do not have much exposure to the Bible so this helps reinforce what they are learning. We also put each day of creation on the craft to help them remember at home as well.

We will be traveling this weekend and next for training seminars on one of the islands here in Estonia. Justin will be teaching Evangelism training over these two weekends and the church that will host the sessions has a lot of youth that are interested in this. Please pray for safe travel and for those that come to take on the task of being a multiplying disciple for Christ.

Soon Justin and I will celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary. It is on March 10th. I truly could not have picked a more wonderful man to have in my life. He truly is the man God made for me. I love Justin more than words could possibly say! We continue to grow with each other through every obstacle and miracle along the way. God has richly blessed us through these past ten years. We have three beautiful children, awesome supportive parents, wonderful friends and family, love and friendship from each other, and a Father who loved us so much to send His only Son to die for our sins and purchase a place in Heaven for us!! Who could ask for more?

Sure life is not always easy. In fact really I do not have many easy days, but I know that with the help of the Holy Spirit I can do anything. I know God knows all of my burdens and what I will do before I do it. I know that He will never give me more than I can handle. Sometimes this alone gets me through the day. I try to stay positive and focus on things I can change and give the rest to God. I do not always succeed, but I try. Justin is really the more level headed one between the two of us and he helps me a lot. I am trying more to control my temper and reactions. I see that I need to teach my kids the right way to react to adversity, and reacting by raising your voice or getting angry is not what I want them to learn. It is a long process and I still fail, but I continue to try and with God's help I will become more patient and less reactive.

Kayla and Braeden are still chugging along with their schooling. We are growing radishes right now in Kayla's science class to learn about plants and how they grow. It has been interesting. She is excited to be doing experiments in her science and learning hands on. Braeden is learning about the human body and how it works. He is fascinated by the bones and muscles. He had me draw him a picture today so he could decorate it. He is the budding artist.

I am through week eight of my weight loss journey and so far have lost 14lbs. I am at 185 now. I have also dropped another size in clothes. I hope to reach my goal of weighing 143lbs by the middle of August. I am still working out to Slim in Six, five day a week. I have been doing the third level of the video for the past four weeks. This is a big accomplishment for me because before I could not even make it through this part of the video. It is still not easy, but I make it through. Justin has also lost about 12 pounds just from the diet changes we have made!!

Thanks for continuing to pray for Estonia and God's work here. Please continue to pray for the hearts of believers here to be burdened to reach their friends and neighbors for Christ. Please pray for our family as we seek to raise our children in a friendly loving environment and that they would see Christ in us. Pray for us to be the parents God wants us to be. We love and miss all of you. Have a blessed day!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's a new year!!

Mom pulling Braeden on a sled.

Dad, Mom, Kayla, and Braeden

The sun shining the other day. Oh sun how I have missed you!!

Ellie let Kayla fix her hair. She of course left it up since Sissy did it!! But when Mommy does it she pulls it right down ;0)

Ellie and Papaw

Well 2010 has left us and now it is 2011. So far it has been a great year! We have set our dates for coming home for furlough. Furlough, for those that do not know, is the time we come home to travel to our supporting churches and share God's vision and the work we have been doing on the mission field. We will be coming home on October 14, 2011 and staying through July 16, 2012. This will give us about nine months to travel, raise ministry support, as well as share about God's work here in Estonia. I am excited about this (if you could not tell ;0)) So much that I am posting about it now, eight months ahead of time!

If you are a pastor of a church or interested in us visiting your church during our time home please email Justin at with the date and time you would like us to come. We will be taking appointments from November, 2011 through June, 2012. We will start emailing churches to start getting our schedule filled up soon. We would love to share with you about Estonia and the ministry here.

School is going full force right now. The kids go to school four days a week. We usually are done by lunchtime. Then Justin and I both have our own school work for a few hours as well. I am only taking one course at this time so it is not too tough. Three more sessions to go and I graduate!!

Kayla wrote her first research paper! She did great! She had to choose an animal and research it. She chose dolphins. We looked on the internet and found two sources there and then she used two of her school books as well. I cannot remember doing research papers in the third grade, but she did perfect!

Braeden is learning more and more each day. He is learning to put sounds of words together to read 3-4 letter words. He loves art! He can draw pretty well too! I may have an artist on my hands.

Elaina is still her bright lovely self. She will be two soon! I cannot believe it has almost been two years. It has flown by.

My parents came for a visit a few days after Christmas. We really enjoyed our time with them. We did not do too much due to the weather, but we got to spend time together. I enjoyed seeing them it really meant a lot to me!

I have began a journey to becoming healthy myself. I started on January 3, 2011. I decided it was time to make a change and start taking better care of myself. I am soon to be thirty and all of my grandparents are dead. They each died of heart attacks or cancer. I do not want this to happen to me. So I have been making small changes and sticking to them.

I have been watching my calorie intake and trying to keep it to around 1200 calories a day, but no more than 1600 calories even on a splurge. I also have been working out to a video I have had for years and used occasionally. It is called slim in six and it is very intense for me. It is a cardio and muscle strengthening workout and has three levels. It took me several months to finally be able to just do the second level. When I began my workouts on January 3 I started with the second level and did that 47 minute workout five times a week. This week I began to do the third level of the program and am still going five days a week. The third level is 59 minutes. I started out at 199lbs and now I am at 192! Seven pounds down in four weeks! I am proud of these results and will continue on till I reach my goal.

My goal is to loose 45-50lbs to be in the normal weight range for my height. I know this will take a while so I plan on achieving my goal within 9 months to a year. As a family we have been eating better as well so this is impacting the whole family. I want my kids to know how to take good care of their selves and know how to eat healthy. This is the beginning of that.

Each day working out is not easy. Sometimes I do not want to do it, but I cannot give up! I will continue this until I reach my goal. Then I will make a plan to maintain my weight which will also include exercising as well. Exercising has been a hard thing for me to keep a commitment to in the past. Now, after four weeks I can tell you I feel a difference in my body. I have more energy and feel better.

I will post each month where I am at and what my weight is doing. The good and the bad. This will help keep me accountable. I am not willing to let another day go by that I say "tomorrow is the day". Today is here and the time is now to make a change!

Justin and I have been reading the Bible together as well. We chose a plan to read through the Bible in a year and this plan is in chronological order. We are on track so far. This is another goal of mine. I have yet to read through the whole Bible and next year this time I will be able to say I have!

We continue to help with the kids club here in Estonia. Justin is continuing to have evangelism training seminars as well. We still have about two feet of snow on the ground here as well.

Thank you for the prayers and support! Please continue to pray for Estonia and for God to continue to work in the hearts of believers here to have a burden for reaching their people. Please continue to pray for safety as we travel for seminars. Please pray for me to have strength to continue towards the goals I have set physically and personally. Thank you again for all of your love and support.