Saturday, May 21, 2016

Choosing Light Amidst Darkness

The last month has flown by. Our language tests went well, we think. We will not get the scores till the beginning of June. The kids have two more weeks of school and then we will have summer break. Our family day event is next Saturday and we have been preparing a craft and games for that.

As we move closer to the event it has been exciting but also a little scary. Sometimes I think "What if no one shows up?" I know it sounds ridiculous, but that thought creeps in sometimes. Then I am reminded that we must be faithful and do what God has called us to do and let Him handle the rest. While advertising for the event we used Facebook for the first time to advertise. We had a moment there where we got some bad responses and then even a whole post about whether or not events such as ours and another churches should be allowed to be held in public places such as schools or culture centers here. It really struck us as odd at first that many were making a big deal.  Our event is being held at the culture center, which is rented to individuals or businesses for events, classes, etc. It was only mentioned as part of the original post and never really talked about in the comments. The school was the major issue it seemed. Sadly, a church had to move to a new location because of this.

At first when all of this was happening we were discouraged. It made us wonder "Why are we doing this?" Then we were quickly reminded that we are in one of Satan's strongholds. Why should we listen to the thoughts of a few instead of listening to Him who called us to be here? We prayed for the other church and they quickly found a new place of worship. God is faithful my friends! We have continually sought God and His wisdom and as of now we have not heard anything more of it being a problem to meet at the culture center. Our event is next Saturday so please be in prayer for that. Also be in prayer as we move forward to starting the kid's club there in the fall.

Our small group continues to go well. I am enjoying getting to know our friends. I am grateful God put them in our lives. They are a blessing to us. Please pray as we continue to seek God's guidance for when and how to hold information meetings about the small group.

Home life seems so much different to me this time. I am used to having a little one to care for and take up much of my time when I'm home. I'm also used to working. The kids are older now and don't need me as much. They play well together and then we have a teenager as well! Yikes! It's given me too much time, I think, to dwell on my mistakes and lack of skills as a mom. I have been listening to the lies that I'm nothing now that I'm not a nurse anymore, I will never be a good mother, I am not a good teacher, I am not enough..and the list can go on and on. I let those lies creep in my heart and it just makes me feel miserable. I began looking and searching for an online job in nursing. I really enjoyed nursing and was pretty good at it. I worked so hard for my degree and loved my job. Surely I could find something right? Nope. Pretty much you have to live in America even to work online as a nurse at least from what I found. While looking for jobs and getting discouraged and down at every turn, I was exhausted mentally. God kept whispering in my heart that I have this time to focus on Him and grow with Him and through Him He will achieve His will for my life.

I thought, "Okay, but can I at least have something, some middle ground?" I just keep hearing Him whisper to let my nursing career be on hold for now and when I need it, it will still be there. For now I have the opportunity to be fully in with my kids and husband. I have a choice to choose joy or choose to look at this chance as a hindrance. "But I don't feel like a good mom. I don't have a passion for teaching my kids at home." I often say these things to God and He shows me that yes, on my own I will never be enough, but with Him I am enough. As long as I set my eyes on Him for guidance and strength, He will supply my needs. I love my kids and even though I don't like teaching that much I know that it is making our relationship stronger and helping me to disciple them in the Lord. That is what I have been called to do right now. So when Satan starts to put those lies in my mind I have to focus on the Word of God and choose joy! Yep I choose joy!

Our A2 group sent us some goodies from America, a card from the church, and a card from themselves. Nothing can brighten my soul more than getting a card from our home church with notes written in it from the kids in the Awana club and their leaders and of course our A2 family. We are blessed to have such a loving church family. We thank you all for your prayers and support!
 We have been going to the park down the street from our house a lot

 Tent time!
Someone turned 36!
Our goodies from home!