Monday, September 5, 2011

First Day of School

Sweet Ellie had to have her picture taken even though it is not her first day of school!

Beautiful Kayla. Sorry for the frazzled look (Daddy took this picture ;0)

Handsome Braeden (again a little frazzled ;0)

So we started school today at the Owens house. Kayla started fourth grade and Braeden the first grade. The kids did well their first day. We are still getting used to the new program and some adjustments will have to be made but for the most part the day went well.

The kids have recently expressed to us that they desire to go to public school while we are home in America and attend Estonian school upon our return back here next year. Justin and I want to do what is best for our kids spiritually, mentally and physically. We decided to pray and look into the options and see where God leads us. We immediately heard back from the school district in America and they were very excited to welcome our children and have assured us that it will not be too late in the year for them to adjust. They even thanked us for serving God as missionaries. I have to admit I was a little surprised by the schools response. So it looks as though the kids for sure will be attending school in America. The school here also contacted and set up an appointment for us here quickly. The appointment is tomorrow and we will be discussing with them a plan for how to get the kids ready to transition into Estonian schools next year. This is a big step because they do not know much of the language. Braeden will be seven which is the age when they start first grade here which is their first class in real school. Kayla will need more transition time though. Please pray for this meeting and that God continues to lead us to what His will is for our children

I have to admit I was not all for this in the beginning. I feel as though part of my job is being taken away. I do not know if I am ready for my kids to leave yet. I cried a little and prayed and God really spoke to my heart letting me know He would guide me to do what is best for my kids and He would care for them no matter what. I know this will be a great opportunity for the kids to grow and learn with their peers. They never have really showed any interest in attending school so we never really checked into it before. Now they see their friends here starting school and they have adjusted enough to living here that they are ready to go as well. I will follow God's will for my kids and continue to seek Him daily to assure we are going in the right direction.

I promised I would never talk about potty training on my blog but all I will say is that in potty world things are going well for little Ellie. We are almost there!! She is growing so much and enjoys dancing and singing. She even knows the words to some of the Christian songs we play in the car and sings them. So cute!! She eats oatmeal for breakfast every morning and I usually feed it to her but a few weeks ago she told me "I do it Mommy", so I let her. She has been feeding herself since then!! It is bittersweet at times to see your little one growing up. I am very grateful for the wonderful, healthy, beautiful, sweet, and caring children God has given me.

Well I am sure most of you know but I finished my school. So know I am C.Owens RN, BSN!!! :0) Justin still has about six weeks until he graduates with his Masters of Divinity. We also have about six weeks until we are home!! I am getting things cleaned out and ready to pack soon.

Justin has one more time to preach at the International Church before we leave in October. He is still working with one man in discipleship training each week as well. Thank you for your prayers and support. We will be home for furlough from October 14, 2011-July 16, 2012. If you are a pastor and would like us to come to your church please email Justin at his email address on the BMA website. We love and miss you all!!