Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas in Tallinn

We went to the Town Hall Square the other night. They have a big Christmas tree and a Christmas market where vendors set up in the square and sell clothes and knicknacks. We won't be here in Tallinn for Christmas because we will be in America, but we decided to put up our Christmas tree anyway. Last night we took the kids' pictures in front of it after church. We will be leaving on Friday to fly back to Kiev for a few days and then on Monday we will fly to America for Christmas. We will be in America for 3 months so that the baby can be born and then we hope to be back in Estonia by April 1st.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Last day of school

The kids had their last day of school on Monday and they had their Christmas program early. It was very cute. The kids sang songs in Russian and memorized verses in Russian. They know a lot of songs in Russian, I was surprised. It brought tears of joy to my eyes to see them growing up so fast.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sickly Kids

Today Braeden woke up with a high fever and not feeling good. We decided to keep him home today but Kayla was feeling good enough to go to school. He started feeling better about an hour and a half later and was playing. I got a call from the teacher at school an hour before school was over that Kayla was running a high temperature too. I went and picked her up and she was asleep on the couch. On the way home she got sick in the car. Right now as I write this they are both feeling better. Pray that they would continue to get better and so that they or us won't be sick while we are on our trip to Tallinn next week. Oh before we went to pick Kayla up, Braeden was feeling well enough to see the puppies that are outside at our house. Here are a few pictures of that.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Kayla's 6th Birthday

We can't believe it but today is Kayla's 6th birthday! It seems like just a little while ago she was little and a baby. She has grown up way too fast. These pictures are of her birthday that we did at the school that they go to. There was several other little kids her age and she got to have cupcakes and juice. We gave her our gifts at home earlier. She has had a good birthday today. Hopefully the next won't come so soon!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Estonia Mission Trip

I am posting all of the pictures and updates on my other blog Go there to see the daily updates and pictures.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Estonia Trip

Well the time is coming for me to make our first exploratory trip to Estonia. I leave next Friday the 10th and will be gone until the 17th. Pray for me and the group I am going with for safe travel and that the Lord would show me if Estonia is where He would have us serve. Pray for Crystal and the kids while I'm gone that they would be safe and in the Lord's hands. I'll post pictures and info about the trip when I return.

God Bless,

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Baby Sono - 20 Weeks

Here is our baby sonogram at 20 weeks. Everything is going well and the baby is right on with what it's age should be. The orange part on the video is the 3D part of the sono and it shows the baby's face. We will post more as the pregnancy continues and the baby grows more.