Saturday, April 9, 2016

Wonderful Sunshine!

It's amazing how much a little warmer weather and sunshine will do for you. Spring has finally arrived here and we have been enjoying it. Last weekend we went to the zoo for the first time since before winter and had a great day. We had a good Easter here. The kids had fun in church making baby chickens and rabbits for the craft at Sunday school. We made a video for our church family which really captured the essence of our family right now. The kids did great in the video and towards the end Lorelei started talking to Kayla getting excited about being able to say "Nägemist,'' which is goodbye in Estonian. Then, she missed saying it and jumped up and waved her arms saying it at the end! Ha! Never a dull moment here!

The kids are doing well in school. We have checked into some activities for them to do outside of school and hope to get them in these in the fall. That is one of my biggest prayers right now: that we get the kids involved and help them to make friends here. I don't want them to merely get by here. I want them to thrive. They are excited to be able to go to extra classes such as dance or ceramics to do this. Please pray that God would place a special friend for each of them.

We have a family day coming up soon which we are putting on for families in the area to come and enjoy a few hours together. This will help them to see our presence in the neighborhood and help to raise awareness of the kids club we will be holding twice a month on Saturdays once school starts again in the Fall. We are doing a Carnival theme for this family day and plan to do the family days twice a year. The family day will be at the end of May. Please be in prayer for that.

We started our small group a few weeks ago. It is with a couple that Justin already knew from living here last time. We are very grateful for this couple and look forward to growing in Christ with them. We are praying and brainstorming ways of outreach for the group. Please be in prayer for this.

Language school is still going well. Our teacher encouraged us to go ahead and take language tests. Here, to have long term residence, you have to pass level B1. She told Justin he could easily pass B1 but that I may need a little more time. She recommended I do the A2 test, a level lower, because that way I can familiarize myself with the testing procedure and then take B1 in September. So my test will be May 7 and Justin's May 8. Please be in prayer for this as well.

Needless to say life has been busier but good. It is feeling more like home each day. That does not mean I do not miss my family and friends at home, I do very much, but our routine is getting more regular and days are going better.

I call my mom regularly and spoke with her today. I usually call her on the weekend, usually on Sunday to see my dad as well, but today I got to see my sister and niece. I enjoyed briefly getting to see them. I cannot put into words how grateful I am to have my family in my life. Even though it is hard for them to have us far away, they still support me and that means the world to me.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. We love and miss you all!

 The Easter Goodies
The kids at the Zoo

 Lorelei and her chicken and rabbit
 Palm Sunday

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