Friday, April 30, 2010

Spring has sprung!!

The kids and their new spring hair cuts!!

Justin turned 30!!! I am married to an old man now!!! LOL!!!
Elaina on Easter.
Braeden on Easter.
Kayla on Easter.

Well it is spring time here in Estonia now. We had three feet of snow on the ground since the beginning of December. All of the snow melted within the first week of April! We are so thankful to be seeing the green grass now. The kids have been enjoying time outside and I have as well. I just love spring time.

I recently started going back to school online. Am I crazy or what! School has been going well though and it will only take a year for me to finish. I also will be only taking one to two classes at a time. So it will not be that bad.

The kids recently got their hair cut for spring. They are growing so fast. Little Ellie is sick right now but getting better. Braeden just finished learning how to write all of the alphabet. Way to go Buddy!!! Keep up the good work!! Kayla has also been excelling in her school. This year with her school started out being a struggle. I realized that the problem was with me not her. I was approaching her schooling as a chore. In return she was not giving much effort. I realize now after taking a long look at it and praying about it that being able to teach her and help her learn to apply Christian values in her life is not a chore, it is a privilege. I am so proud that she is my child and I want the best for her. I am embracing teaching her now. We are enjoying that time together now and I cannot tell you how amazing that feels. How blessed am I to have such wonderful children. I am grateful to have such a wonderful Heavenly Father that guides me and leads me gently and loves me even when I fail. I am embracing being a stay at home mother and home school teacher now!!

Justin is at a conference right now in Latvia. He will be home on Saturday. The conference is about reaching people int he Baltic regions. He called me today and said he is learning a lot. We are still praying for God to show us direction here in Estonia. We know He has a plan for us and will tell us in His time so we continue to pray and be obedient with what He has already showed us. We are continuing to get more involved at the Hope church and are continuing to get acquainted with the members there. We are excited about what God is doing with that church and are privileged to be a part of it.

Please continue to pray for my family. My moms side of the family has lost four people within the past few months. First was my grandma, then her sister, now two of her brothers in this past week. I know that this is very hard for my grandma's two remaining siblings as well as for the whole family. My mom's side of the family is very close so this is like a whole generation being wiped out. Pray for peace and comfort. Also please continue to pray for God to show us where we are needed.Thank you for all of your support. We love each of you. Please keep in touch. Write a note if you have the time.

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